Mental Endurance Coaching
Do you ever feel like you're doing everything you're supposed to and still not experiencing the break through you're looking for?
Do you get anxious before workouts or races?
Do you ever feel like you are underperforming to your own potential?
Do you feel like you are in a constant state of "starting over"?
Do you wonder if you're losing the joy?
Do you struggle to give yourself the rest and recovery you need for fear of "losing fitness"?
Do the thoughts arise that you are never enough?
If you answered "yes," to any of these questions, you may benefit from individual or group mental endurance coaching!
Individual Mental Endurance Coaching
The mental aspect of training is more important than every other aspect of training combined. Your mind is the greatest performance enhancer, or performance restrictor, depending on how you utilize it. We tend to spend a lot of time focusing on the tangible things that we feel give us a great deal of control, and little time focusing on the intangible recesses of our mind, that ultimately give us the most power and strength to endure.
What is Included?
A package of 3 Mental Endurance Sessions includes three 50 minute individual sessions with assignments to be completed between each session.
Cost: $400
Run Your Mind: Mental Endurance Course
What Will Be Covered In This Course?
Topics Include:
Emotional Preparation
Goal Setting
What Will You Receive From This Course?
4 Weeks of Mental Strength Training
4 *90 Minute Zoom Group Sessions (all sessions will be recorded and sent if you have to miss!)
2 *45 Minute Individual Zoom Sessions
Weekly Readings (they will be achievable lengths)
Weekly Assignments (don’t worry, they won’t be dissertations, just short prompts/activities)
Cost: $350
When: Tuesdays at 4-5:30pm PST/7-8:30pm EST: March 4, 18, April 1, 15.